FIFA 20 Introduces Zinedine Zidane – New Face of Ultimate Cover and FUT Mode Idol

After returning to the game in the EA SPORTS FIFA series after a break of more than a decade, Zinedine Zidane will first appear as the idol of the FUT mode (Fifa Ultimate Team), joining other star players of the upcoming FIFA 20, such as Andrea Pirlo, Didier Drogba.
It can take you from 30 minutes to mastering, without exaggeration, several weeks. The fact is that EA Canada employees have found, it seems to me, an ideal scheme in which beginners can play comfortably using a combination of impact, canopy, pass and acceleration, as well as experienced gamers who will make various feints, actively dribble, give passes to the cut, invent complex schemes with the ball, deceitful maneuvers and a lot of other things. On only 12 buttons of the gamepad, the developers managed to fit so many bells and whistles that any fighting game would envy. Moreover, management confusion does not occur, and errors that occur during the match remain solely on the player’s conscience.
Artificial intelligence behaves very competently. Moreover, he does not cheat, but a feeling that he “sees” the field in the same way as the player. If earlier it was possible to observe such a picture that, running up to the enemy penalty box, the enemy met you fully armed, now there are situations when the AI is “mistaken”, leaving a gap and abruptly transferring its player from one edge to another. All this applies to low levels of difficulty. With their increase, the situation on the field changes: the defense acts more competently, your and other teammates begin to play more harmoniously, and in general AI has become smarter. The number of moments when it could be caught on the same errors time after time was reduced to a minimum, and the accuracy of the transmission became even more realistic.
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