
Top 20 fastest FIFA 20 players: no Messi, Azar and Krish, but there is a 30-year-old Japanese

Top 20 fastest FIFA 20 players: no Messi, Azar and Krish, but there is a 30-year-old Japanese

More than half of the rating is nouns. In graphic terms, there are also enough new details. For example, you can now look at the stands without tears. At least in dynamics – we still do not recommend taking screenshots with fans. The developers also adjusted the light – just look how beautiful the sun… Read More »

The first FIFA 20 ratings from the players were negative

The first FIFA 20 ratings from the players were negative

On the first day after the release of FIFA 20, users left a lot of negative reviews about the game. The ranking of the football simulator on Metacritic was 3.2 points out of 10. The new system of calculating the physics of football players allowed artificial intelligence to more adequately respond to what is happening… Read More »

EA promised to fix the problems of the career regime of FIFA 20. After some time

EA promised to fix the problems of the career regime of FIFA 20. After some time

The FIFA20 release has been pretty much overshadowed by technical issues. In particular, players noted an abundance of bugs in the single-player career mode, and also complained about the strange and even sometimes inappropriate behavior of the players under the control of artificial intelligence. The development paths are obvious: even more sites, new feints, rule… Read More »

Golovin and Krykhovyak joined the team of the week FIFA 20

Golovin and Krykhovyak joined the team of the week FIFA 20

EA Sports introduced the third week team at FIFA 20. The most dynamic matches in VOLTA take place at venues where the ball can bounce off the side. Almost hockey! Nevertheless, the field is the same as before: arcade strokes, swift running from the flanks, furious “scripts”, a huge gap in the class between stars… Read More »

Pro FIFA 20 player accuses EA of draining personal data

Pro FIFA 20 player accuses EA of draining personal data

Professional player Kurt Kurt0411 Fenech tweeted that Electronic Arts does not protect the personal data of FIFA 20 users. According to him, anyone could get access to information about those who registered in the Global Series. Of course, it was not without bugs – for example, rivals like to put up reserve teams for matches… Read More »