Golovin and Krykhovyak joined the team of the week FIFA 20

EA Sports introduced the third week team at FIFA 20. The most dynamic matches in VOLTA take place at venues where the ball can bounce off the side. Almost hockey! Nevertheless, the field is the same as before: arcade strokes, swift running from the flanks, furious “scripts”, a huge gap in the class between stars and middle peasants, as well as sometimes ridiculous animations.
But “shot” everything is very, very beautiful. Licenses for clubs, leagues, stadiums (here finally drew attention to the Bundesliga) and the appearance of the players are clearly acquired not in vain: football players, coaches and fans look “alive” and behave accordingly. Pleasant little things, like the same performances or the individual design of the interface for individual championships and tournaments, add their own highlight – the very football atmosphere here is in perfect order.
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