Early Review: First impressions of FIFA 20

When you each year, releasing games of the same series, you need to come up with something new. In past years, innovation in the FIFA series was the story mode, diluting the usual career, multiplayer and local battles on the sofa. FIFA 20 has again brought changes, and this time they look like something truly exciting.
I spent in FIFA 20 full weekend and several evenings running all the modes, playing at least one match in each of the possible sections. It’s still good old FIFA with a stupid AI on Amateur, hardcore battles at higher levels and fun while playing with friends. It’s still the usual collection mechanism FUT team a chance to play multiplayer or start a career in your favorite team.
Changes in classic modes, in comparison with the last year not so much. The speed of the match decreased, the technique decides the team movement has become smarter, and defense — reliable. The ball is round, green field, eleven players in the team. Transfers still working at a very strange algorithm, to build a dream team without much straining, and the laws of the real transfer market and fair play are irrelevant.
I sold Salah for 104 million euros and bought over 60 of Vinicius. Mbappe I almost bought a 90, but we do not agree on the salary and role, I failed negotiations, but do not regret them. Because I will win and so.
Maybe the regular players of the series, every year buying a title, you will notice more changes and will see their importance, but in General, the revolution of hope not.
What really struck me is the Volta regime. Street football, dynamic, sharp, with matches for 3-5 minutes, beautiful goals and a focus on feints. In it, different playgrounds, different rules and a few modes: 3×3, 4×4, 5×5. They have different rules, outs and tactics, but the essence is the same – this is street football, which quite unlike the usual battles. For example, I learned to beat rivals, prokidyvaya the ball forward across the Board. Geometry became my best friend.
Now you can score heels, coinage, feints, and just to walk into a small goal after a classy combination — a real Paradise for those who are tired of large green meadows and the superstars. Imagine the movement of the leaves during autumn winds – it is also possible to move the ball on the virtual site.
In Volta is no hand, it’s a place of chaos, of constant movement and beautiful finishing blows. To hit from afar is boring, but to make meter — the buzz. In addition, there is great learning system that teaches basic things, feints and other features. To return to the usual mode after that is not desirable.
After a couple dozen hours in FIFA 20 can I be sure that I will spend more not less. It’s still an opportunity to brighten up the evening with friends to kick ass @kartosh for their favorite football clubs, to arrange a parade of beautiful goals on the outdoor area in Paris, or spend your online dolls club from a lower League to a key role in world football Grande.
it is a Pity that the Russian clubs this time no. But there is Champions League, and the national anthem once again breaks the spine.
FIFA 20 prettier from year to year, captivates and gives the most important — fun. About technical things, changes and innovations in more detail Anton in his review in a few days.
the Full release of FIFA 20 will be held on September 27 on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Today, the game will be available for pre-order.
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