Messi is the best FIFA 20 player with a rating of 94. Ronaldo and Neymar are in the top three

Electronic Arts has presented the official ratings of players in FIFA 20. The first place went to the player of FC Barcelona and Argentina’s national football team Lionel Messi (rating 94).
True, the storyline was deliberately delayed: in almost all tournaments you need to play a series of victorious matches, and in case of defeat you have to start all over again. On the one hand, this makes the player act more thoughtfully: after all, one does not want to merge an almost completed series due to one mistake. And on the other hand, playing this way is already much less fun than during normal fights with bots. What is more important here – challenge or entertainment after all – decide for yourself.
The authors took pity on those who are too lazy to learn complex combinations of cool goal celebrations: now, by clicking on the “circle”, a football player will perform a randomly selected celebration without much effort on your part
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