FIFA 20 vs PES 2020 graphics comparison causes drama on the field

FIFA 20 vs PES 2020 graphics comparison causes drama on the field

EA solemnly presented the FIFA 20, accompanied by the announcement of a spectacular trailer. EA also never had a problem with the plot. In general, Hunter was also interested in cut scenes, and here there are more characters, and communication is not limited to family / agents. After a couple of hours, I definitely wanted to go through the toy to the end. The only real drawback of VOLTA is that the story mode is absolutely not variable. If you lose the tournament, you need to go back to the beginning and try again. I would like to have options for the development of the plot in case of victory, and in case of defeat.

Firstly, it is wildly short. There are almost no cut scenes there. Secondly, there is no plot in principle – the main conflict in the offending mode is sucked from the finger to make a drama. Well, and in the third – the gameplay in Hunter was bored, but here they give us tournaments and if you put a difficult level of difficulty, you can roll back to the first match. Tournaments come from 5-7 matches! How could anyone even think of such a thing instead of replaying?


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