New FIFA 20 heights: 10 million players, 450 million matches and 1.2 billion goals

No one doubted that the FIFA 20, like any other part of the series, is extremely popular. Well, so that you definitely don’t forget about it, Electronic Arts has shared impressive game statistics. For two.
The Career (both for the coach and for the player) uses the same system that allows you to create almost any appearance for your protege – forget about the same avatars from FIFA 19. Now in the many cut scenes of the coaching career you can admire the coach ”whom you want to see (however, it was not possible to create a full copy of Leonid Slutsky – the editor is“ imprisoned ”for more athletic figures). I talked about cut scenes for a reason – in “Career” one of two major innovations is associated with them, namely participation in press conferences.
Before important matches, as well as upon their completion, journalists will ask the coach various tricky questions, answering which you can influence the mood of the team or a specific player. It sounds tempting, but in reality it turned out to be too simplistic even for FIFA. Nobody likes criticism – football players are upset by swearing at them and, as a result, start acting worse on the field. We have to praise everyone, whatever the outcome of the meeting.
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