Electronic Arts suspected of hiding FIFA 20 bugs from the community

FIFA 20 players suggested that Electronic Arts removes forum threads where users report bugs in the football simulator. However, the company said posts were hiding due to suspected spam.
On the night of September 27, the reddit user, nicknamed SpookyMulder26, created a topic in which he accused EA of deleting his post with FIFA 20 bugs. “EA just closed our forum thread after I added a huge number of error messages! They are trying to shut up the community and save the face of the company, ”said SpookyMulder26.
The situation was commented by the FIFA 20 community manager. He explained that the forum thread was deleted due to suspicions of spam. After checking, EA opened the thread again, and also left the forum created to replace it.
The release of the last part of FIFA took place on September 24. The game received high marks from critics, but users did not like it too much. The simulator is scolded for many bugs and a small number of changes compared to the previous part.
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