FIFA Developers Specified that Players will know about getting FUT Cards

FIFA Developers Specified that Players will know about getting FUT Cards

EA Sports explained how to make card sets in the FIFA Ultimate Team more transparent. Before buying a pack, players will see a chance to get players above a certain rating. Information was published on the company’s website.

The developers dismantled the system using the example of a golden premium set – the most expensive pack in the game without taking into account time ones. It contains 12 gold cards, three of which have rare status. The ratio of players and consumables within the set varies, however, users will receive at least one player with a rating above 75+. Chances to get a rare player will vary; The date of the last update is displayed in the purchase window.

EA Sports clarified that the probability of getting a valuable card does not increase with the opening of the packs. Users were warned that the chance to get a footballer of rare categories (for example, Ones to Watch) is less than a percent.

FIFA developers have promised to reveal the chances of losing strong players in July 2018. By that time, lootboxes equated gambling in Belgium; they plan to do this in 13 countries. Discussions began after the release of Star Wars Battlefront II, where infantry and equipment enhancements were placed in containers. Read more about it here.


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