The RFU and the FCC will hold the FIFA 20 championship

The Football Union and the Federation of Computer Sports announced the FIFA 20 championship. The tournament will be held in the format of Ultimate Team on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
FIFA 18 has kept the bar of quality of its predecessor. For most fans of the series this will be quite enough: it’s easy to enjoy the game, there are innovations (although there are not many), and most importantly, hanging out in football battles for hours on the TV screen is just as pleasant as before.
But still there is a feeling of repetition. The longer you play FIFA, the clearer you feel that you are being held in tight limits, and at some point you begin to clearly understand: now you can score, but now not. Now you can circle, but not now. FIFA virtually eliminates the accidents inherent in real football, and these frames begin to crush over time: the same situations in matches are repeated from time to time.
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