Due to problems with the FIFA servers 20 eSports match had to be changed to "rock-scissors-paper"

Eurogamer noted that the FIFA 20 came the black strip. First, EA had banned Kurt Kurt0411 Fenech, then the problems with the servers caused almost anecdotal situation.
In the fifth stage of the qualifying matches FUT Champions Cup professional players Brandsha56 and Hasoo had to figure out which of them passes on. But because of problems with the servers they have failed, therefore, to identify the strongest had “rock-scissors-paper”.
EA has commented the situation and said that he is closely monitoring the situation.
the Developers said that the two connection errors in a row mean defeat for both players — in order to avoid using the network problems as an advantage. In this case, the EA noted that Brandsha56 and Hasoo not departed from the competition, but one of them will step forward, is still unknown. Similar problems in the future try to avoid.
last week, EA at least twice faced a drop in servers that are mass-made online game companies are unavailable. Apparently, one of his blackouts had on match professionals. is rumored, blame the DDoS attackers.
Earlier with the network problems in customer matches clashed and players Apex Legends.
the flames were fanned by eSports Fnatic Donovan Tekkz hunt, which is directly said in an interview that FIFA 20 does not reward the player and his colleagues just do not like to spend time in it.
Despite the criticism and problems with FIFA 20 on the first lines of the sales charts.
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