New strike mechanics and more legends: FIFA preview updated

At the end of September, the next series of the main futsim of the planet – FIFA 19, is released, and from yesterday you can try its demo version. We’ll tell you how the EA Sports football series evolved in the new season.
From the first matches in FIFA 19, new player animations are striking: there are more of them, and this is felt not only visually, but also in control. For example, there were more opportunities for maneuver in power wrestling, the reception of riding balls or passes in the deficit. However, the visual component is also important:
Without exception, only experienced players can find all the animations, but everyone will notice the new system of impact mechanics. Now you can beat in two ways – the classic one-click, or two. It is expected that you need to press twice at the time of the swing and touch of the ball, respectively. You can see this animation in principle, but in fact you just need to feel this time. A personal teacher helps to understand the mechanics: in addition to standard prompts on what to press, when hit, he shows a special scale that changes color depending on the timing, from red (too soon or later, miss) to yellow (on target or so) and green . If everything is pressed correctly and the scale is green, the player is especially sincerely planting the ball, which leads to a spectacular goal. This works with both twisted bumps and awnings. Since we are talking about fractions of a second, it is unlikely to train everything in 10 out of 10. If you do not press the button a second time, the player beats in the classics – and if desired, the new system can be completely disabled in the settings. Nevertheless, this peculiar mini-game has its own excitement: the player NaVi Yozhyk, who has already recorded a video about the new mechanics, spoke positively about it and noted that he would use it at least for long-range strikes.
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