In FIFA 20, the NAVI form will appear

EA Sports will add to FIFA 20 the FIFA Global Series Ultimate Team kit with new cosmetic items, which also includes the eSports form of Natus Vincere. Clothing will be presented in two variations – home and away.
Refining the existing success formula is helpful. But if you decide to spend a year without revolutions, why not bring what is to an ideal? Alas, if the creators of FIFA from EA Canada continue at their current pace, they will need another five years to completely rid the series of problems.
Some sore franchises seem to be genetic: passed down from generation to generation. If everything is good and unchanged in the player’s career, then mistakes are sharply felt in the coach’s career, which could not be fixed. When we just start the coaching path, the game starts in our time – which means that all the stars in place are a good balance. But years go by, most legends end their careers, and here FIFA as if hints: “That’s it, let’s do it again.”
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